
Arduino compiling "Failed to execute script 'esptool' due to unhandled exception"

The error message "Failed to execute script 'esptool' due to unhandled exception" is common when trying to upload code to ESP32 or ESP8266 boards using the Arduino IDE. It typically indicates an issue with the script or related dependencies that handle communication with the ESP board. Here are some steps to troubleshoot and resolve the issue: 1. Check Python Installation The esptool relies on Python, so make sure you have Python installed correctly. Open a terminal (or command prompt) and run: bash Copy code python --version or bash Copy code python3 --version If Python is not installed, install it from here . 2. Update ESP32/ESP8266 Board Libraries The problem may also be related to outdated board libraries. You can update them via the Arduino IDE: Open the Arduino IDE. Go to Tools > Board > Boards Manager . Search for "ESP32" or "ESP8266" and update the corresponding board package. 3. Install Required Python Libraries If the req

Enable SSH in Ubuntu 18

 If you need to install OpenSSH on an offline Ubuntu machine without using sudo apt install , you can follow these steps to manually download the necessary packages on another machine (with internet access) and transfer them to the offline machine. Steps to Install OpenSSH Offline Step 1: Download the Required Packages on an Online Machine Check your Ubuntu version : Run the following command on the offline machine to know the version of Ubuntu you are running (this is important to download compatible packages): bash Copy code lsb_release -a Download the required packages : On a machine with internet access, go to the official Ubuntu Packages website . Search for the openssh-server package and note the dependencies for the version that matches your Ubuntu version. Download the required .deb packages : On the online machine , download the necessary .deb files for openssh-server and its dependencies. You can either manually download them from the Ubuntu Packages website or use ap

Ubuntu to sync with NTP Server

To configure your Ubuntu 20.04 system to synchronize its date and time using an NTP (Network Time Protocol) server, follow the steps below. Ubuntu 20.04 uses systemd-timesyncd for time synchronization by default, but you can also install and use chrony or ntp if necessary. Here are the steps to set the time using NTP: 1. Verify systemd-timesyncd is active By default, Ubuntu 20.04 uses systemd-timesyncd for time synchronization. First, make sure it is running: timedatectl status You should see output indicating that time synchronization is enabled and the NTP server being used: Local time: Wed 2024-09-18 10:32:54 UTC Universal time: Wed 2024-09-18 10:32:54 UTC RTC time: Wed 2024-09-18 10:32:54 Time zone: Etc/UTC (UTC, +0000) System clock synchronized: yes NTP service: active RTC in local TZ: no If NTP service is active, you don't need to install anything further. 2. Configure NTP Servers To con

Web Server IIS : Memory leaks to resource exhaustion or misconfiguration issues

The issue you're experiencing with IIS becoming slow and showing "jitter" over time, but temporarily resolving after restarting the service, is likely caused by several factors. These can range from memory leaks to resource exhaustion or misconfiguration. Below are common causes and potential solutions: 1. Memory Leaks Symptoms : Over time, memory consumption increases, eventually leading to performance degradation. Cause : Improperly managed resources in your application (e.g., unclosed database connections, file handles, etc.) can cause memory leaks. Solution : Use tools like the Windows Performance Monitor or the IIS Worker Process (w3wp.exe) monitoring tool to check memory consumption. Review your application code for potential memory leaks, especially in database connections, file operations, and session management. 2. Application Pool Recycling Symptoms : The application pool may accumulate unused or unnecessary resources over time. Cause : If the application pool i

How to Connect to Ubuntu Linux with SSH Keys Using PuTTy from Windows

Imej Introduction It is generally recommended to use SSH key authentication whenever possible, especially for servers or systems accessible over the internet. This is because SSH key authentication is based on asymmetric cryptography and is considered more secure than password authentication. It provides stronger protection against brute-force attacks, as the private key is typically much longer and harder to guess than a password. SSH key authentication can also be automated, allowing for passwordless logins and easier integration with scripts and automated processes. Additionally, The private key can be protected with a passphrase, adding an extra layer of security. In the tutorial, we will show you how to connect to Ubuntu Linux VPS with SSH keys using puTTy from Windows.   Prerequisites   Verify Your Remote Linux Server is Ready

Remote SSH to Ubuntu Client using C#

To convert the given C++ code into .NET C# code for remotely rebooting an Ubuntu machine from a Windows application, here's how you can do it: C# Code: using System; using System.Diagnostics; namespace RemoteReboot {     class Program     {         static void Main(string[] args)         {             string remoteHost = "your-ubuntu-ip";             string username = "your-username";             string password = "your-password"; // Ideally, use key-based authentication for better security             string command = "sudo reboot";             ExecuteRemoteCommand(remoteHost, username, password, command);         }         static void ExecuteRemoteCommand(string host, string user, string pass, string command)         {             Process process = new Process();             process.StartInfo.FileName = "plink.exe"; // Path to plink.exe             process.StartInfo.Arguments = $"-ssh {user}@{host} -pw {pass} \"{command}

Master Clock Time Protocols

  The information you've provided relates to the features and capabilities of a master clock device, often used in various applications such as telecommunications, broadcasting, and IT infrastructure. This master clock typically provides highly accurate time synchronization to client devices in a network. TIME Protocol (RFC 868) Protocol: TCP/UDP Port: 37 Purpose: The TIME protocol is a simple way for a client to request the current time from a server. The server responds with a 32-bit binary number representing the number of seconds since midnight (00:00) on January 1, 1900 (UTC). This protocol is now considered outdated but is still occasionally used for simple time synchronization needs. DAYTIME Protocol (RFC 867) Protocol: TCP/UDP Port: 13 Purpose: The DAYTIME protocol allows a client to request the current date and time in a human-readable format from a server. The server responds with an ASCII string representing the current date and time. Like the TIME protocol, DAYTIM