Master Clock Time Protocols
The information you've provided relates to the features and capabilities of a master clock device, often used in various applications such as telecommunications, broadcasting, and IT infrastructure. This master clock typically provides highly accurate time synchronization to client devices in a network. TIME Protocol (RFC 868) Protocol: TCP/UDP Port: 37 Purpose: The TIME protocol is a simple way for a client to request the current time from a server. The server responds with a 32-bit binary number representing the number of seconds since midnight (00:00) on January 1, 1900 (UTC). This protocol is now considered outdated but is still occasionally used for simple time synchronization needs. DAYTIME Protocol (RFC 867) Protocol: TCP/UDP Port: 13 Purpose: The DAYTIME protocol allows a client to request the current date and time in a human-readable format from a server. The server responds with an ASCII string representing the current date and time. Like the TIME protocol, DAYTIM...