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Web Scrapping PHP Laravel

  References :  Introduction to Web Scraping With Laravel - 

Laravel file_put_contents error on shared hosting

 laravel deploy to cpanel show this error file_put_contents(C:\xampp2\htdocs\mpks\mpks-mycomm.jpmv1.1\mpksv1.1\storage\framework/sessions/5VfNF1jT1SaxVps80ZBxBuTS8OpUALY4ydXvElJh): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory Solution : I had the same issue here. I tried to run  php artisan config:cache  but it didn't work out Then I delete all my sessions in  /myprojectname/storage/framework/  but still didn't work out on shared hosting but worked fine on localhost. Here's what worked: I delete the cache folder in  /myprojectname/bootstrap/  and ran the application and got this error: Exception thrown with message "The /hosthome/hostuser/myprojectname/bootstrap/cache directory must be present and writable." I then made a new cache folder in  /myprojectname/bootstrap/  and ran the site and it was up in short terms Navigate to your projects  /bootstrap/cache/  folder. Delete the c...