Discover MAC Address through NMAP & ARP

tools to detect any mac address specific for brand Advantech in the network and to set ip without access to the equipment

To detect MAC addresses of specific devices like Advantech in a network and assign IP addresses without direct access to the equipment, you can utilize several tools and techniques. Here's an outline of how to achieve both tasks:

1. Detect MAC Address Specific to Advantech Devices

MAC addresses typically have the first three octets (known as the Organizationally Unique Identifier, OUI) that identify the manufacturer of the device. To detect Advantech devices:

Tools to Detect MAC Addresses:

  • Nmap (Network Mapper): Nmap is a powerful network scanning tool that can be used to detect devices on a network based on their MAC addresses.

    • Example command to scan for Advantech devices:
      sudo nmap -sn
      This command will ping all devices in the subnet and display their MAC addresses. You can look for MAC addresses that match Advantech's OUI.
  • arp-scan: This tool can scan the network for devices and list their MAC addresses.

    • Example command:
      sudo arp-scan --localnet
      After scanning, you can compare the MAC addresses with Advantech's OUI.
  • Wireshark: Wireshark is a network protocol analyzer that can capture traffic and reveal MAC addresses of connected devices. You can filter for Advantech's OUI in the traffic to detect their presence.

Identifying Advantech OUI:

You can look up Advantech’s OUI through public OUI lookup databases like IEEE or through built-in databases in tools like Nmap.

For Advantech, common OUI prefixes include:

  • 00:08
  • 00:11

Script to Automate Detection:

You could write a simple bash or Python script to automate scanning and filtering for Advantech devices:

#!/bin/bash # Scan network for MAC addresses and filter for Advantech's OUI sudo arp-scan --localnet | grep -E "00:08:A1|00:11:D8"

2. Assign IP Address without Direct Access

To assign an IP address without directly accessing the device (assuming the device supports DHCP and you are on the same network), you can:

Techniques for IP Assignment:

  • DHCP Reservation:

    • Configure a DHCP server on your network to assign a specific IP address to a MAC address. You can configure the DHCP server with a static mapping so that whenever an Advantech device requests an IP, it gets the reserved address.

    Example configuration (in dhcpd.conf on a Linux DHCP server):

    host advantech_device { hardware ethernet 00:08:A1:XX:XX:XX; fixed-address; }
  • DHCP Spoofing (If Allowed):

    • Tools like Yersinia or ettercap can be used to spoof DHCP replies to a device, essentially forcing it to accept a specific IP address. This method may require administrative privileges on the network and can interfere with normal DHCP operation.

Summary of Steps:

  1. Scan the Network: Use nmap or arp-scan to identify MAC addresses, filtering for Advantech’s OUI.
  2. Assign IP via DHCP Reservation: Configure a DHCP server to reserve specific IPs for Advantech devices based on their MAC addresses.

how to develop the apps function using C#

To develop an application in C# that detects MAC addresses on the network and assigns IP addresses (e.g., via DHCP), you can follow these steps. Below is a breakdown of the tasks and how to implement them in C#:

1. Detect MAC Addresses of Devices on the Network

You can use C# to scan the local network for devices and identify their MAC addresses. To do this, you can either execute network commands like arp-scan or parse the output of system tools.

Example Code for Network Scanning in C#:

You can use the System.Net.NetworkInformation namespace to get network information.

Here’s an example of how to get the MAC address of network devices on the local network:

using System; using System.Net; using System.Net.NetworkInformation; class NetworkScanner { public static void Main() { string subnet = "192.168.1."; // Adjust this to match your network for (int i = 1; i <= 255; i++) { string ip = subnet + i; Ping ping = new Ping(); PingReply reply = ping.Send(IPAddress.Parse(ip), 100); if (reply.Status == IPStatus.Success) { Console.WriteLine($"IP: {ip} is active"); GetMacAddress(ip); } } } private static void GetMacAddress(string ipAddress) { string command = $"arp -a {ipAddress}"; System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo procStartInfo = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo("cmd", "/c " + command) { RedirectStandardOutput = true, UseShellExecute = false, CreateNoWindow = true }; System.Diagnostics.Process proc = new System.Diagnostics.Process() { StartInfo = procStartInfo }; proc.Start(); string result = proc.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd(); Console.WriteLine(result); } }


  • Ping Devices: The code pings all devices on the network within the specified subnet. Devices that respond to the ping are considered active.
  • ARP Command: The arp command is used to retrieve the MAC address of a device based on its IP address.

You can modify this code to filter for Advantech’s OUI by parsing the MAC address output.

2. Assign IP Address via DHCP

In most cases, assigning an IP address is done through a DHCP server. However, you cannot directly set the IP address of another device from an application unless you're managing the DHCP server. If you have control over the DHCP server, you can develop an application that interacts with it.

Example of Handling DHCP Requests in C#

To interact with a DHCP server and assign IP addresses programmatically, you can:

  1. Use a DHCP library to communicate with the server.
  2. Modify DHCP server configuration files if running your own DHCP server.
Using a DHCP Library:

You can use the SharpPcap library to capture and manipulate network packets, including DHCP packets.


  1. Install SharpPcap via NuGet:
    Install-Package SharpPcap
  2. Use SharpPcap to capture DHCP packets and modify the network traffic.

Here's a minimal example of how to capture packets using SharpPcap:

using System; using SharpPcap; using PacketDotNet; class DHCPInterceptor { static void Main(string[] args) { var devices = CaptureDeviceList.Instance; if (devices.Count < 1) { Console.WriteLine("No devices were found on this machine"); return; } // Select the first device var device = devices[0]; device.OnPacketArrival += new PacketArrivalEventHandler(OnPacketArrival); device.Open(DeviceMode.Promiscuous); device.StartCapture(); Console.WriteLine("Listening on " + device.Description); // Press enter to stop Console.ReadLine(); device.StopCapture(); device.Close(); } private static void OnPacketArrival(object sender, CaptureEventArgs e) { var packet = Packet.ParsePacket(e.Packet.LinkLayerType, e.Packet.Data); if (packet is EthernetPacket ethPacket) { Console.WriteLine("Captured packet with source MAC: " + ethPacket.SourceHardwareAddress); } } }

This example listens for network packets, and you can extend it to capture and analyze DHCP traffic.

3. Handle DHCP Reservations

If you want to automate DHCP reservations, you can modify DHCP server configuration files. Here’s an example of writing to a configuration file:

Modifying DHCP Config in C#:

You can read and write to DHCP configuration files using standard file I/O operations in C#.

Example code for writing a DHCP reservation entry:

using System; using System.IO; class DHCPConfigurator { public static void AddDHCPReservation(string macAddress, string ipAddress) { string dhcpConfigPath = "/etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf"; // Path to the DHCP config file (Linux example) string newEntry = $"host advantech_device {{\n hardware ethernet {macAddress};\n fixed-address {ipAddress};\n}}\n"; File.AppendAllText(dhcpConfigPath, newEntry); Console.WriteLine("Added DHCP reservation for " + macAddress); } static void Main() { AddDHCPReservation("00:08:A1:XX:XX:XX", ""); } }

Summary of Steps:

  1. Detect MAC Addresses: Use Ping and arp commands in C# to identify devices on the network.
  2. Capture DHCP Packets: Use the SharpPcap library to capture DHCP traffic and interact with the network layer.
  3. DHCP Reservations: Modify DHCP server configuration files using file I/O operations to reserve IP addresses based on MAC addresses.


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