C# calculation CRC16

Code for CRC116:

private static string Crc16Ccitt(byte[] bytes)


            const ushort poly = 4129;

            ushort[] table = new ushort[256];

            ushort initialValue = 0xffff;

            ushort temp, a;

            ushort crc = initialValue;

            for (int i = 0; i < table.Length; ++i)


                temp = 0;

                a = (ushort)(i << 8);

                for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j)


                    if (((temp ^ a) & 0x8000) != 0)

                        temp = (ushort)((temp << 1) ^ poly);


                        temp <<= 1;

                    a <<= 1;


                table[i] = temp;


            for (int i = 0; i < bytes.Length; ++i)


                crc = (ushort)((crc << 8) ^ table[((crc >> 8) ^ (0xff & bytes[i]))]);


            return crc.ToString();


 Explanation by Chatgpt

This C# code defines a function `Crc16Ccitt`, which calculates the 16-bit CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) using the CCITT (Comité Consultatif International Téléphonique et Télégraphique) polynomial (0x1021) for a given input byte array.

Here's a step-by-step explanation of the code:

1. The function takes a byte array `bytes` as input.

2. It defines a constant `poly` with the value 4129 (0x1021), which represents the CCITT polynomial.

3. It initializes an array `table` of 256 elements to store precalculated values for faster CRC computation.

4. `initialValue` is set to 0xffff, which is the initial value for the CRC calculation.

5. `temp`, `a`, and `crc` are defined as unsigned 16-bit integers (ushort) for temporary storage and the final CRC result.

6. The first `for` loop initializes the `table` array by precomputing CRC values for all possible byte values (0 to 255).

   - `temp` is set to 0.

   - `a` is shifted left by 8 bits to make room for the current byte value.

   - The second `for` loop runs 8 times, one bit at a time.

   - In each iteration, it checks the most significant bit of the XOR between `temp` and `a`.

   - If the XOR result has its most significant bit set (1), it means a carry will occur in the CRC calculation, and the polynomial is XORed with `temp`.

   - The value of `temp` is then shifted left by 1 bit.

   - The value of `a` is also shifted left by 1 bit to consider the next bit in the polynomial.

7. After the first loop, the `table` array is filled with precomputed CRC values for all 256 possible byte values.

8. The second `for` loop calculates the CRC value for the input byte array `bytes`.

   - It iterates over each byte in the array.

   - `crc` is shifted left by 8 bits to make room for the next byte's CRC calculation.

   - The current byte is XORed with the least significant byte of `crc`.

   - The result is used as an index to look up the precomputed CRC value from the `table` array.

   - This value is then XORed with the upper byte of `crc`, updating the CRC value for the current byte.

9. After processing all bytes in the input array, the function returns the final CRC value as a string by converting `crc` to a string using `ToString()`.

In summary, this function `Crc16Ccitt` calculates the 16-bit CRC using the CCITT polynomial for the input byte array. This type of CRC calculation is commonly used in various communication protocols and error-checking mechanisms.


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