
The conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value.

The conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value. The statement has been terminated. Solution: guna data format :  DD/mm/YYYY HH:mm:ss tt INSERT into LCUlog(DateTime,logmessage) values ((convert(datetime,'1/14/2022 4:14:58 PM',103)), '');

Wireshark frame.marked == 1 Tim Black wrote: > I would love to be able to customize the display of packets in an absolute > fashion, e.g. "Ignore this one" or "show only this one and this one". To me > this means there would be a Display Filter field for packet number. Is there > support for this hiding from me somewhere, or if not, is there at least a > plan to support this? To be clear, I am talking about Display Filtering by > the leftmost column entitled "No.". I hope this is not also the answer to my > question. ;-) How about Ctrl-M to mark either the packets you want to display, or the packets you want to ignore. Then: "frame.marked == 1" to display only the marked packets, or "frame.marked == 0" to ignore the marked packets and display only the unmarked packets.

HEX, decimal, binary, CRC calculation

Decimal to Binary converter Online Hex Converter

Apa itu .gitignore

 Rujukan artikel :  Ignoring in Git: How To Use .gitignore Files When  making commits to any Git repository , you’ll choose the files you want to stage and then you’ll commit them. But you might not want to commit every single one of your files—there are files that never need to get committed. This is where the .gitignore file is useful: it tells Git exactly which files to ignore and never track. Let’s take a look. What is gitignore? When you’re working in your copy, Git  watches every file  in and considers it in three ways: Tracked: You’ve already staged or committed the file. Untracked: You’ve not staged or committed. Ignored: You’ve explicitly told Git to ignore the file(s). The .gitignore file tells Git which  files to ignore  when committing your project to the GitHub repository. gitignore is located in the root directory of your repo. The .gitignore file itself is a plain text document. Here’s an  example .gitignore file : Copy # Binaries f...

[PSH,ACK] wireshark capture

Reference : This is basic TCP communications flow. The ACK indicates that a host is acknowledging having received some data, and the PSH,ACK indicates the host is acknowledging receipt of some previous data and also transmitting some more data. Google will let you search for more info about basic TCP communication.   ACK means that the machine sending the packet with ACK is acknowledging data that it had received from the other machine. In TCP, once the connection is established,   all   packets sent by either side will contain an ACK, even if it's just re-acknowledging data that it's already acknowledged. PSH is an indication by the sender that, if the receiving machine's TCP implementation has not yet provided the data it's received to the code that's reading the data (program, or library used by a program), it should do so at that point. To quote  RFC 793 , the official specification for...

Force Execute File to Run As Administrator

Right-click your WPF project to add new Item: "Add->New Item..." Select "Application Manifest File" and click Add Double Click your newly created manifest file and change the <requestedExecutionLevel level="asInvoker" uiAccess="false" /> to <requestedExecutionLevel level="requireAdministrator" uiAccess="false" /> Then the WPF application would run as Administrator. References link:

How to make Windows Service start as "Automatic (Delayed Start)" ?

  Now that .NET 4.0 is here: serviceInstaller1.StartType = ServiceStartMode.Automatic; serviceInstaller1.DelayedAutoStart = true ;