
Multihomed Windows Server

  Multihomed Windows Server 2012R2 splitting network traffic on both interfaces - Chatgpt : Configure ECMP what happen when i bridged 2 different network port that connect to 2 different switch huawei and cisco in the server network configuration ? Bridging two different network ports that connect to two different switches, one Huawei and one Cisco, in a server network configuration can be done, but it's essential to understand the potential implications and challenges involved. Here's what happens when you bridge these ports: 1. Layer 2 Bridging: When you bridge the two network ports, you are essentially creating a single broadcast domain. This means that devices connected to both switches will be in the same Layer 2 network, and they can communicate with each other as if they were on ...

git init for existing git project

Can I connect git if I downloaded the code as zip? Reference : TL;DR short version relevant commands: git init git remote add origin git add . git pull origin master Full story: I was having trouble cloning the repo so I eventually downloaded and expanded the zip instead. I did  git init  after which  git status  showed: On branch master No commits yet Untracked files: (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed) .gitignore .rspec .ruby-version ...(all the directories of the project)... nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track) Then I added the origin with  git remote add origin I did a  git fetch  which got the remote's branches info. When I did  git pull origin master  it said: From * branch mas...