Discover this issue when I deployed PIS into IPC. As per requirement, the display needs to be shown in 1920*1080 resolution. But, instead, Ubuntu shows 640*480 resolution. How I solved this? Update Ubuntu > sudo apt-get install Open file > sudo nano /etc/default/grub Change line #GRUB_GFXMODE = 640X480 to GRUB_GFXMODE = 1920X1080 Save the edited file. Update the file > sudo update-grub Reboot the IPC > sudo reboot
Solution: RESTORE LOG [syncdb_labis] FROM DISK = N'c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL15.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Backup\syncdb_labis_LogBackup_2023-01-04_10-46-49.bak' Refer: SQL Server Database Stuck in Restoring State
The logic behind this error WSAECONNABORTED - An understandable explanation. - Wikipedia Winsock - Stackoverflow -
PowerEdge Server : AC Recovery Last Power State Behavior -