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Project : TrainScheduler JDBC MySQL using Eclipse

 Development notes only C:\Users\Nurahlee\eclipse-workspace\TrainScheduler JTable How to Create the JTable Header Eclipse in Java -

Troubleshoot C# Error WMI

Other Alternative Please refer this link from Chatgpt

Delete service Windows 10

  Command to type : > sc delete ServiceName Refer -,ServiceName%22%20to%20delete%20the%20service.

WMI Control Configuration for Err: Access Denied

 Cannot connect to the ManagementScope via C#. Access denied Solution from ChatGpt If you're encountering an "Access Denied" error while trying to connect to a `ManagementScope` in C#, it's likely a permissions issue. Here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot and resolve the problem: 1. **Run as Administrator:**    Ensure that your C# application is running with administrative privileges. Right-click on your executable and choose "Run as Administrator." 2. **Check User Permissions:**    Verify that the user running the C# application has the necessary permissions to access the WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) resources on the target machine. The user might need administrative privileges or specific WMI permissions. 3. **Firewall and Antivirus:**    Disable your firewall or antivirus temporarily to see if they are causing the issue. Sometimes, security software can block WMI connections. 4. **DCOM Configuration:**    Check the D...


  To show list table in the database > SELECT table_name from all_tables where owner = 'WEBUSER'; To describe structure in table >  describe webuser.books; ff

PHP Oracle using XAMPP

  Refer this video : Oracle Instant Client Downloads for Microsoft Windows PHP Pecl extension Command to create new user webuser

Java Multithreading

  CREATE UI Create your first Java GUI using Eclipse IDE 2021 - Solution for Error:This package java. awt. * is not accessible in Eclipse. - Java Eclipse GUI Tutorial 23 # Show System Date and Time in JFrame ( Dynamic Clock )

Laravel RBA using middleware

  Refer to Chatgpt In Laravel, middleware is a way to filter HTTP requests entering your application. Middleware can be assigned to routes to perform various tasks before or after the request enters the controller. To create middleware for user and admin roles, you can follow these steps: 1. **Create Middleware:**    You can create middleware using the following Artisan command:    ```bash    php artisan make:middleware CheckRole    ```    This will generate a `CheckRole` middleware class in the `App\Http\Middleware` directory. 2. **Modify the Middleware:**    Open the `CheckRole` middleware class (`App\Http\Middleware\CheckRole.php`) and implement the logic to check the user role. Here's a simple example:    ```php    <?php    namespace App\Http\Middleware;    use Closure;    use Illuminate\Support\Facad...

Arduino change config alternative

Just note untuk diri sendiri.. Untuk buat dynamic update bin file untuk arduino GDU.. boleh guna FTP Server.. Insert satu config file yg kita boleh ubah variable dia.. so after ubah variable.. kita akan restart RTU tu. Select board Select board Export compiled binary Compiling sketch Done Compiling Show sketch folder Copy the bin file Bootloader

Best photo enhancer


Multihomed Windows Server

  Multihomed Windows Server 2012R2 splitting network traffic on both interfaces - Chatgpt : Configure ECMP what happen when i bridged 2 different network port that connect to 2 different switch huawei and cisco in the server network configuration ? Bridging two different network ports that connect to two different switches, one Huawei and one Cisco, in a server network configuration can be done, but it's essential to understand the potential implications and challenges involved. Here's what happens when you bridge these ports: 1. Layer 2 Bridging: When you bridge the two network ports, you are essentially creating a single broadcast domain. This means that devices connected to both switches will be in the same Layer 2 network, and they can communicate with each other as if they were on ...

git init for existing git project

Can I connect git if I downloaded the code as zip? Reference : TL;DR short version relevant commands: git init git remote add origin git add . git pull origin master Full story: I was having trouble cloning the repo so I eventually downloaded and expanded the zip instead. I did  git init  after which  git status  showed: On branch master No commits yet Untracked files: (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed) .gitignore .rspec .ruby-version ...(all the directories of the project)... nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track) Then I added the origin with  git remote add origin I did a  git fetch  which got the remote's branches info. When I did  git pull origin master  it said: From * branch mas...