
Tunjukkan catatan dari September, 2020

Cara duplicate database

 Lee simpan kat sini supaya tak lupa cara - cara duplicate database di MSSQL. Right click pada Databases.  Open Restore file and filegroups.  Isi database name dan pilih from device.  select backup device.  locate backup file.  Click OK ➑ OK ➑ Right checkbox restore.  Ok Done. 

Cannot ping other PC

 Request timed out Suggestion Solution Check firewall, check port TCP & UDP. Kalau tak dapat akses juga. Off firewall untuk sementara waktu.  Check switch (pastikan pasang cable LAN). Kadang - kadang cable LAN problem. Kena cabut pasang balik. Check config default gateway LAN. Pastikan sama dengan machine lagi satu.  - Rujukan :  A Can Ping B, but B Cannot Ping A, Randomly How do I add a secondary IP address to a computer?

How to search a Record in DataTable C#

Contoh coding DataRow[] foundRows = dtvstations.Select("stationname =  'KL' "); conn = foundRows[0]["connstring"].ToString(); Apply method private void CB_vstation_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)         {             if(CB_vstation.Text.ToString() != "")             {                 string exp = "stationname = '" + CB_vstation.Text.ToString() + "'";                 MessageBox.Show(exp);                 DataRow[] foundRows = dtvstations.Select(exp);                 conn = foundRows[0]["connstring"].ToString();                 viewByStation(conn);             }         } Rujukan : C# -syntax error: missing operand after 'TAG' operator.

C# The underlying connection was closed (Solved)

 C# The underlying connection was closed: The server committed a protocol violation. Solutions: you might also try doing an IIS reset. Failed!  - Alhamdulillah... The Solution The real problem is I can't access my FTP after I changed my LAN IP Address. So its not the coding problem.. its just misconfig settings on IIS. Open IIS then right click to the FTP Sites. Click Edit Bindings. Change IP Address for ftp and http.  Rujukan : How to set up and manage an FTP server on Windows 10

Stored Procedure MSSQL

Nota Ringkas List nota Code Sample Code Description Rujukan SET LOCK_TIMEOUT (Transact-SQL) sp_testlinkedserver (Transact-SQL)

Date and Time Conversions Using SQL Server

Rujukan :  Date and Time Conversions Using SQL Server SQL Server CONVERT() Function

How to create and configure a linked server in SQL Server Management Studio

Hi... Rujukan :  How to create and configure a linked server in SQL Server Management Studio

Error datetime mssql


mssql after install server name for localhost does not exist

Cannot connect to SQL Server | how to fix cannot connect to MS SQL Server error Rujukan :

Difference between DataReader, DataSet, DataAdapter and DataTable in C#

Difference between DataReader, DataSet, DataAdapter and DataTable in C# and VB.Net Rujukan :

How to configure remote access and connect to a remote MS SQL

Hi... How to configure remote access and connect to a remote SQL Server instance with ApexSQL tools Rujukan :

Delete files older than 3 months old in a directory using .NET

 Rujukan stackoverflow :